Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thoughts I had while not blogging

1. I was wondering about the people who complained, during the Presidential campaign, that Barack Obama was too smart to be President. They wanted a President who had an intelligence level more like them. I for one am glad President Obama is much smarter than I am. I can't even reconcile my check book on Quickbooks properly; someone close to my intelligence level would deal with the current economic crisis by minimizing the window and checking out celebrity gossip. So yeah, where are those people now? Probably selling oranges on the side of the freeway, missing the Hamptons and regretting that they never Googled "ponzi scheme."

2. I was listening to commercial radio, and there seems, nowadays, to be a lot of songs serenading the stripper. Rappers who love strippers and the strippers who love them. Who knew that the booty bounce could make someone fall in love with you? And that men like being relationships with women whose job it is to take off their clothes and tantalize other men--because it makes the woman financially independent? The logic is fascinating and mind-boggling.

3. Can you ever be "whelmed" or "undated" or offer "thank"? Just one thank, when you're only marginally grateful. Don't want people to get big-headed just because they held the elevator for you.


  1. I, for one, am pleased that you put months of thought into this entry. It was worth it. :D

  2. Now THAT is funny. Just wanted to send a greet and salutation to you and your family.

    Have to go now. I have to go look for my keys, I found them yesterday, but I don't want them to bw in the last place I looked.
