Monday, January 4, 2010

further asparagus anxiety

So, we moved. Which means I have to start all over, garden-wise. We made beds, chicken manured the soil, and planted: eggplants, basil, mint, green onions, swiss chard, kale, leeks, and of course asparagus. Anyone who lives in Hawaii will recognize I planted the produce that's the most expensive in the grocery store--because I'm savvy like that.

At least, until something started nibbling at my basil. This something eventually chomped the whole basil, all my kale seedlings, and all my swiss chard--and that something is sleeping in my bed! My garden bed, that it. I think it's a rat. Apparently, it realized it was much more convenient to live in the garden than commute, so there's a hole in the middle of what used to be a glorious row of swiss chard.

While my husband figures out what it is and how to kill it, I of course am fretting about my beautiful, fragile asparagus fronds, and making blood vows to tear the face off the little burrower if it gets anywhere near my asparagus. Damn it, all this asparagus planting and no pay out! It's like car insurance. Pay, pay, pay.

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